Posts with the category “ministry-updates”

Seeds of Hope | 希望的种籽
July 15th, 2024
Read the letters testifying to God‘s work from two of our co-workers in Asia while serving our children and their families....  Read More
by Coworkers in Asia
Go and See How GOD Can Use You and Me | 去,看你和我被神如何使用
July 15th, 2024
Read about how God has allowed us to partner with other believers in the Great Commission around the world. ...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Retire? Refire | 人生七十才开始
July 12th, 2024
As the saying goes, "Life doesn't begin until you are seventy." If the retirement age of most people is between sixty-five and seventy, then the second half of your life should officially begin after ...  Read More
by Pastor Paul Shen
Mission Projects: Empowering Spiritually, Building Community | 宣教项目:属灵扶持、社区建设
July 9th, 2024
Mission projects are a critical aspect of Living Hope’s missions, where we enhance both spiritual and material support for our partners across various regions. We focus on developing spiritual leaders...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
2024 Trips: Walking with Jesus, “DO” a lot & “KNOW” a lot | 2024年短宣:与主同行"做"得多,"知"得多
July 9th, 2024
In the first half of 2024, Living Hope continued to promote both same-culture and cross-cultural missions. For different age groups within the church and varying levels of experience and understanding...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Faithful Expansion in Asia | 忠实地拓展亚洲事工
July 2nd, 2024
In Asia, our four-year partnership with the local church has transformed over a hundred lives of families from despair to hope. Initially, we met children who had lost their parents or were abandoned,...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Transformative Partnerships in Kenya | 影响深远的肯尼亚事工
July 2nd, 2024
In Kenya, all the children at the Mbooni Children's Home have received full sponsorship this year and are in good health. Now, the needs at the Kathonzweni Children's Home are greater, but the impact ...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Hope and Faith in Ukraine | 带来希望和信心的乌克兰事工
July 2nd, 2024
When the Russo-Ukraine war broke out, God touched us to help fallen soldiers’ vulnerable children and their families. We connected with a Ukrainian Baptist Church and, together, prioritized the caring...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Growth and Love in Honduras | 在爱中成长的洪都拉斯事工
July 2nd, 2024
The Living Hope Children’s Center Tolupan now supports 74 children thanks to local missionaries Leandro and Johanna's dedication. Their efforts to feed the hungry and share the Gospel have built commu...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
Hope Behind Bars | 囚牢中的希望
July 2nd, 2024
" Throughout these 13 years, I have experienced God's love and His support to fulfill the mission and call in this prison ministry. "...  Read More
by Pastor José Luis Maldonado Vijil
Ukraine Ministry: Updates from Orest's Family | 乌克兰事工:Orest及家人的近况
May 30th, 2024
We received some news from our partners in Ukraine about Orest, a special young man fighting against hemophilia. Thank you for your continued prayers. ...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
Every individual, created for a purpose | 每個人的生命都有其獨特的使命
March 21st, 2024
" He is the potter, and we are his clay. If we can surrender our lives to Him and let Him transform and renew us, we will feel true joy and love that we long for. HE created each one of us with a purp...  Read More
by Jasmine Vinson
Honduras Tolupan Children Center Update Feb. 2024 | 洪都拉斯托盧潘兒童中心報告 2024年2月
March 1st, 2024
The Tolupan Indian Tribe Children’s Center celebrates the season of spring, a time filled with God's blessings. Leandro and Johanna, the heart and soul behind the center, are filled with gratitude as ...  Read More
by Honduras Tolupan Children’s Center
Honduras Langue Children Center Update Feb. 2024 | 洪都拉斯蘭蓋兒童中心報告 2024年2月
March 1st, 2024
As we celebrate our 8th year, we reflect on our achievements and our community's ongoing needs, with grateful acknowledgment of the support we've received through God's provision. Living Hope invites...  Read More
by Honduras Langue Children's Center
Ukraine Ministry Update Feb. 2024 | 烏克蘭事工報告 2024年2月
February 9th, 2024
Our partners in Ukraine gave thanks to God in this letter, amidst the ongoing war. We are grateful to every one of our Ukrainian orphan sponsors. ...  Read More
by The Ukraine Team
Asia Ministry Update Feb. 2024 | 亞洲事工報告 2024年2月
February 9th, 2024
Read to see God's work in Asia in 2023 with our local coworkers. ...  Read More
by Living Hope Global Ministries
The Journey of "Retire? Refire" | 『退而不休』之旅
November 22nd, 2023
For Christians, retirement means withdrawing into God, earnestly seeking Him with all your heart, discerning what God wants them to do, and living the rest of life according to His will. ...  Read More
by Pastor Paul Shen
35 Years of Spreading Living Hope: Those Who Sow with Tears Shall Reap with Songs of Joy | 新希望35周年:流泪撒种的,必欢呼收割
November 21st, 2023
Read the words of encouragement from our board members and long-time ministry partners to Living Hope at its upcoming 35th Anniversary....  Read More
by Living Hope Board Members and Long-Time Ministry Partners
Prayer Corner | 代禱欄
November 20th, 2023
We earnestly request everyone to continue praying for the following ministry needs. ...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
Honduras Mission Trip Review in 2023 | 2023年洪都拉斯短宣回顧
November 20th, 2023
We extend our heartfelt gratefulness to 266 participants of this year's mission trip. It has been an incredible blessing for all involved. Each mission team positively impacted the local communities t...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
Children Sponsorship Review in 2023 | 2023年兒童助養事工回顧
November 17th, 2023
In 2023, our sponsorship program has witnessed remarkable blessings. These precious children are under the loving care of our dedicated local partner churches and missionaries. They are nourished, gui...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
35 Years' Path of Grace | 35年的恩典之路
November 17th, 2023
In 2024, we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of Living Hope Global Ministries. In the past 35 years, we have experienced countless difficulties and challenges, but at the same time, we have also wi...  Read More
by Rev. Dr. Samuel Fang- Founder, President
Rise, Reach, and Revitalize | 興起,拓展,發光
June 23rd, 2023
After three years of lockdown, governments have finally lifted travel restrictions this year, and our ministry has ushered in a new wave of evangelism. ...  Read More
by Rev. Dr. Samuel Fang- Founder, President
Lives Transformed by Hope | 美好的見證
June 22nd, 2023
There is news of joyful hope from our Asian ministry team. Read about their family visits and joint efforts with the local organization to help children and their families in need. ...  Read More
by Asian Ministry Team
What does Living Hope Global Ministries mean in Honduras? | 新希望在洪都拉斯意味著……?
June 22nd, 2023
Here in Langue, with loud, praising voices, Living Hope Global Ministries means Love, Hope, and Help that ALL comes from God! It means food for the souls of children but also food for the pain of hun...  Read More
by Williams Flores Cañas, Director of Children’s Center
Prayers and Hope Amidst War | 戰火中的祈禱與希望
June 22nd, 2023
We are very grateful to Living Hope Global Ministries for prayers and material support for Ukrainian fallen soldiers’ families. Your help and concern are precious and needed. Through you, God has brou...  Read More
by Partner Church Staff in Ukraine
Retire? REFIRE!: A Retired Pastor's Journey in Cross-Cultural Missions | 退休?迎風再起!——退而不休的牧師的跨文化宣教之旅
May 15th, 2023
Living Hope's Missionary Pastor Shen Paul shares his recent trip to Peru and a vision of "Retire? REFIRE!" inviting all retired pastors who share the same burden to never retire from laboring for the ...  Read More
by Pastor Paul Shen
LHGM's New Block Machine Builds Homes and Hope | 新希望新事工——壓磚機鑄造新的家與希望
May 15th, 2023
Learn how an innovative block machine that uses 90% dirt and 10% concrete can build a struggling family a safe home and lift them in hope....  Read More
Regional Youth Camp 2023 Valle Council, Honduras ASIECAH |2023年洪都拉斯 Valle地区青少年营会
April 7th, 2023
God has given us a vision of reaching our youth for Christ. Disciplining young people is a blessing of Hope for the future. It may not be an easy task, and few churches take on this challenge, but th...  Read More
by Williams Flores Cañas, Director of Children’s Center
A Safe Haven for Vulnerable Children: The Kathonzweni Children's Home| 一個安全的港灣:Kathonzweni兒童之家
April 7th, 2023
Kathonzweni Children's Home, founded in 1979 to provide a safe and nurturing environment for vulnerable children, is the second orphanage Living Hope plans to support in Kenya....  Read More
by Kenyan Ministry Partners
Gifting A New Soccer Uniform Could Change A Child's Future | 多一件球服,少一个囚徒
February 27th, 2023
We are praising God for the ability to reach many young people through our Soccer Ministry at Living Hope Global Ministries. ...  Read More
by Williams Flores Cañas, Director of Children’s Center
From Orphan to Missionary|從孤兒到宣教士
January 30th, 2023
Leandro is our missionary with the Montaña de la Flor Indian tribe in Honduras. He and his wife served the Indigenous people there for more than 3 years. Read his touching story of how God saved him a...  Read More
by Leandro Castejon, Missionary to the Tolupan Indians in Montaña de la Flor, Honduras
Kenya Mbooni Children's Home Report and Prayer Requests, December | 2022年12月肯尼亞Mbooni兒童中心事工報告與代禱事項
December 22nd, 2022
We are praising the Lord for the many answered prayers in 2022. He has blessed us with new sponsors for the children of AIC Mbooni Children’s Home of Kenya from Living Hope Global Ministries. 感謝主在2022...  Read More
by Kenyan Ministry Partners
Hope in the War— War Orphans Care in Ukraine
December 10th, 2022
We hope that 100 orphans of fallen Ukrainian soldiers will be sponsored by the end of this year, and we hope that this little bit of funding will bring some comfort to these orphans and their families...  Read More
by Living Hope Team
戰火中的希望— 烏克蘭孤兒救助
December 10th, 2022
許多烏克蘭孩子們的父親在保衛國家領土的戰爭中失去了生命。我們希望今年年底之前能有100名烏克蘭陣亡軍人的孤兒能被助養,我們盼望這一點點有限的資助能給這些孤兒及他們的家人帶去一些安慰,特別是上帝借著我們帶給他們的愛。...  Read More
by Living Hope Team

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